Unimax Seals Company Limited

Unimax Seals Company Limited & Ningbo Unimax International Limited, as reputable manufacturers and exporters for various kinds of fluid sealing products and thermal insulating materials from China

Entries from 2022-04-01 to 1 month

Few Benefits and Outlook Regarding the Camprofile Gaskets

Gaskets that come with a metal core bonded with a soft filler material on both sides are camprofile gasket or Kammprofile gaskets or Grooved gaskets or Kamprofile gaskets. As the non-metallic filler, PTFE or Graphite is generally used in t…

Get a Clear Picture about Thermal Insulation

Large consumers of energy are Buildings in all countries. A substantial share of energy goes to the air-conditioning of buildings in harsh climatic conditions. Through many means, this air-conditioning load can be reduced; notable among th…

Get a Clear Picture about Thermal Insulation

Large consumers of energy are Buildings in all countries. A substantial share of energy goes to the air-conditioning of buildings in harsh climatic conditions. Through many means, this air-conditioning load can be reduced; notable among th…